How Procrastinating May Cost You

Making life insurance decisions can be difficult, so some people put them off. Not only are there so many different insurance companies to choose from, there are so many different policies – and prices.

At SelectQuote, we try to give you the facts you need to decide whether or not you want to purchase life insurance. Here are some of the downsides to not making a decision:

  • Something tragic could happen before you get coverage. It's rare, but it happens.
  • Your health could deteriorate. Many chronic health problems make their unsettling debut when we're in our 40s and 50s. High blood pressure. Dangerous cholesterol. Cancer. All undreamed-of when we were in our 20s and 30s. Too many people decide to buy life insurance only after it's become unaffordable or unattainable.
  • Life Insurance rates generally get higher as you get older. Your age can make a costly difference in your premium. Waiting even a few months can increase your cost, because many companies will charge you the rate for your nearest birthday – not your last birthday. So if you're 45 and your next birthday is less than six months away, those companies will charge you age 46 rates.

Because we're independent and offer a choice of life insurance companies, chances are we can match you with the right combination of quality and price from the companies we represent. If you have health issues, talk to your SelectQuote licensed agent about which policies could work best for you.