Insuring Your Spouse And Children

If there are two incomes, it is best to cover them both with term life insurance. It's the most affordable way to ensure that your income is replaced and your family's finances will be covered.

Even if a spouse is a homemaker, he or she should be covered. Childcare, shopping, chauffeuring, cleaning, and cooking would have to be hired out, or the surviving spouse would have to sacrifice time at work to shoulder these responsibilities. Either way, there would be an economic impact on the household.

When children arrive, it's a good idea to increase your term life coverage. Your children's financial risk is not that they'll die, but that you'll die.

Whatever your reason for buying term life insurance, talk with a SelectQuote licensed agent. He or she will help you decide how much coverage you need, and then impartially shop our highly-rated life insurance companies for your best value and price.