Change Beneficiary, Term, & Coverage on Life Insurance

After reassessing your life insurance needs, you may want to make some changes. Here's how SelectQuote can help:

  • Change coverage amount or length of term. A SelectQuote licensed agent will help you decide whether it makes more sense to modify your existing policy or to shop for a new one. If a new policy is required, your SelectQuote agent will impartially shop our highly-rated life insurance companies for the best rates you can qualify for.
  • Change your name, address, beneficiary, or the bank account from which your premium is drafted. If you bought your policy through SelectQuote, just call our Policy Holder Services Department at 1.800.343.1985 during business hours. One of our representatives will explain the simple procedure for making these changes, and send you the appropriate form to sign and afterwards submit to the insurance company. The insurance company will send you a confirmation when all the changes are made.